Session 1 of 2025 — Classes run January 5th – February 22nd

Keep scrolling down – we’ve got lots to offer!!

Registration is now open!
To review our policies regarding inclement weather and other cancellations, visit our Policy Page.

Life Skills for Sport Dogs

$113 – $135 for 1 hour lessons (5 or 6 weeks depending on session length)

Not running this session


This class is designed to help your team develop skills essential for sport training and competition. You and your dog will learn ways to stop sniffing and zoomies before they start, navigate exciting and high-pressure environments, use (and fade) rewards more effectively, develop an enviable start line stay, and build a better thinking brain in higher states of arousal. These are the foundations of your foundations, so get ready to dive deep!

Prerequisites: Dogs must be at least 3 months old by the start of the session. Dogs must be able to work comfortably around other dogs and handlers. This class is not appropriate for dogs who display reactive behaviors.








 Agility Foundations

 1 hour lessons

Tuesday 6:00pm with Jessie & Rebecca ($135) – 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18

Thursday 11:30am with Kathy & Nancy ($135) – 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13

This class covers the foundations needed for the exciting sport of agility. A successful agility team starts with a strong relationship between dog and handler. This relationship is the focal point for communicating and teaching the skills needed for each of the obstacles. Whether a first time agility handler or an experienced handler starting a new dog, the games, body awareness and skills taught in this class establish the foundation for success. Like all of our classes, we hand pick our instructors for teaching this very important class which is the “foundation” for success in Agility.

Prerequisites: Puppies/Dogs should be at least 12-weeks-old & have a sit stay. While we keep our class size small, all dogs must be comfortable in the presence of other dogs & people. Those that have taken Intro to K9 Sports will receive priority registration for this class. 

 advanced Foundations

1 hour lessons

Tuesday 7:30pm with Annie & Molly ($135) – 1/7, 1/14*, 1/21*, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11 (*substitute instructor)

Wednesday 7:45pm with Allison & Kelly ($135) – 1/15, 1/22*, 1/29*, 2/5, 2/12, 2/19 (*substitute instructor)


This class introduces more agility obstacles while continuing to build on obstacle performance, body awareness & teamwork learned in our detailed Agility Foundations class. Obstacle distance commitment skills are introduced using the specific skills learned in Agility Foundations. 

Prerequisites: Dogs must complete Agility Foundations Class or have instructor or office approval before registering. 

Agility Skills

1 hour lessons

Wednesday 7:30pm with Tori ($135) – 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12


This class will focus on the necessary agility skills, drills and handling on the flat.
*Lateral Sends to jumps and tunnels!
*Tunnel sends from multiple locations
*180’s and 270’s – teach independence! *Serpentine’s
*Front, Rear and Blind Cross Drills
*Start line stays
The class is ideal for dogs that have completed Advanced Foundations class, AND also those experienced handlers that have a young dog.

Prerequisite: Dogs that have completed Agility Foundations and Advanced Foundations or with instructor or office approval before registering.

Advanced Skills

1 hour lessons

Monday 6:00pm with Carrie ($135) – 1/6, 1/13, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/17


This class will focus on some of the more advanced agility sequences: serpentines, threadles, and backsides. 
The class is ideal for dogs that haven’t started learning these skills or struggle to complete these sequences independently of their handler’s position and movement.

Prerequisite: Dogs must have completed Agility Skills or have office approval before registering.

Jumpers Skills

$135 for 6 weeks, 1 hour lessons

Wednesday 6:15pm with Karen ($135) – 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12

What obstacle do you see the most of on the course?  Ready to start jumping? Want to set your dogs jumping skills on the right paw? Then this class is for you! The focus of this class is on the details of proper form and use of the dog’s body form for jumping in collection or extension – away and towards the handlers position. Teaching them the fine points of how to use their bodies correctly to encourage effortless, efficient jumping, while reading the location of their handler so they can determine if an organized stride is needed, or not. We cover several of the basic jumping skills needed on most courses to set your team up for success! Great also for dogs already jumping but would benefit from the focused details of understanding how to use their bodies, especially in collection.

Prerequisites: Beg Agility Skills. Dogs must be fully grown (growth plates closed) and minimum of age 1. If you are unsure if your dog’s growth plates are closed, please check with your veterinarian.

Beginning handling

1 hour lessons

Monday 6:00pm with Marie ($135) – 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10

Monday 7:15pm with Marie ($135) – 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10

Tuesday 6:15pm with Shari ($135) – 1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11

Thursday 12:45pm with Kathy ($135) – 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13


Beginning Handling This class further strengthens independent obstacle performance & introduces handling of sequences.

Prerequisites: Dogs must complete our: “Agility Foundations”, “Advanced Foundations” and “Agility Skills” or have instructor or office approval before registering. Dogs also must have a minimum of a 10′ reliable sit or down stay to register for this class.

Intro to Contacts!

1 hour lessons

Not running this session

Our popular Intro to Contacts class is for those teams that are ready to work the Frame & Dog Walk planning  on stopped contacts. 
Thinking of taking our contacts class? GREAT! We will begin on lowered contacts and will be raised during this session to build the foundation for independent and confident contacts. Sequencing will also be part of the fun! Come join us! We are excited to help your team grow!

Prerequisite: Advanced Foundations or with instructor/office approval. To maximize your progress in this class, dogs with a 2-on/2-off end position should be able to hold that position with handler being a minimum of 7′ away.
Dogs must be over 1 year of age – no exceptions.


$125 – $150 for 1 hour lessons (5 or 6 weeks depending on session length.)

Not running this session


Serious about starting your teeter training? Have you envisioned what you would like your dog’s teeter performance to be? Is the dog driving to the end of the board at full controlled speed without pausing at the pivot point? Where is the dog’s weight when they are riding the teeter down? Do they hold the completed position until released? It’s important to know what you want the performance to be, before you start training, then develop the plan to achieve it. Using the table to table method, this class will put emphasis on building a confident and reliable teeter. Keep in mind, every dog learns at a different rate and has a different training history with its handler. When your ready to get your teeter trained, this is the class & method for you! The end result of your dog’s teeter will reflect the amount of outside class time you are able to train the skills discussed each week. You will need to plan several training session with your dog outside of class time, that involve having access to a teeter and 2 tables. There is a LOT of training time needed between your scheduled weekly classes and your instructor will give you homework to work on. The Odie arena here at CSZ is set up so you can schedule teeter training time if you do not have access to a teeter at home. As the independent training time for this and the weaves class is high, we do not recommend taking the Weaves and Teeter classes in the same session.

Prerequisites: * Dogs should be comfortable and happily able to play tug or eat cookies on a wobble board & 12″ discs – having things move under their paws. * Dogs need a good understanding of the 2-on-2-off position (or 4 on for dogs under 14lbs), with handler a minimum of 5′ away to get the most out of teeter training you will receive in this class * Dogs must be over 1 year of age to begin this class * With the class you will receive: * 1 hour weekly small-group lessons * 1 – 30 minute ring time session (can be scheduled via our online scheduler). This free session is non-refundable if not used, but can be used up to 30 days after the class ends.


1 hour lessons

Tuesday 6:00pm with Carrie ($150) – 1/7, 1/14, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18

Serious about starting your weave pole training? The channel & guide wire method to teaching weaves is used all over the world by serious competitors, who strive for independent motivated weaves! The channel method requires regular access to 24″ channel weave poles, in order to get the channels closed, and the guides off. The method does require immersion, and should not be started until you know you can dedicate the time to practice a minimum of once a day for at least 3 weeks. . Keep in mind, every dog learns at a different rate and has a different training history with its handler. When your ready to get your weaves trained, this is the class & method for you! With the class you will receive:* 1 hour weekly small-group lessons * 1 – 30 minute ring time session in Odie(can be scheduled via our on line scheduler). This free session is non-refundable if not used, but can be used up to 30 days after the class ends. * You will also be provided with an additional list of locations we are aware of that you can rent to practice. *A weave pole training journal to be brought back to class each week. There is a LOT of training time needed between your scheduled weekly classes and your instructor will give you homework to work on. The Odie arena here at CSZ is set up so you can schedule weave training time if you do not have access to channel weaves at home. As the independent training time for this and the teeter class is high, we do not recommend taking the Weaves and Teeter classes in the same session.

Prerequisites: Dogs over 1 year & must be current CSZ students in Agility Skills or higher level. It is very helpful and speeds the dogs understanding if they are driven by toys or will chase toys that enclose food like a lotus ball. 


1 hour lessons

Monday 7:30pm with Ben ($145) – 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10

Tuesday 10:00am with Shawna ($145) – 1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11

Wednesday 2:00pm with Deb ($145) – 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12

Wednesday 7:30pm with Monique ($145) – 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12

Thursday 10:00am with Shawna ($145) – 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13

Thursday 11:15am with Shawna ($145) – 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13

Thursday 12:45pm with Nancy ($145) – 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13

Thursday 5:30pm with Monique ($145) – 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13

Handling! This class will teach teams how to understand and execute handling options on sequences as well as full courses.   Our instructors have years of experience in course design, that will provide challenges for all levels of handling. Course analysis & discussion will lead each class. This class is proven to be thought provoking, team building, supportive, and packed with fun!

Prerequisites: Dogs should have a minimum 1 jump lead out, can perform contact criteria at minimum 5′ distance & have completed Beginning Handling classes at Canine Sports Zone or have instructor or office approval * Dogs under 1 year of age are not allowed to jump higher then wrist height  or be on any contacts in any CSZ classes.

Go with the flow

1 hour lessons

Not running this session

Go with the Flow! This class builds on the handling skills learned in Handling class and adds in distance, helping students refine their timing, become proficient at course analysis, running more complicated ‘Masters Challenge’ type sequences. Put on your speedy shoes & get ready to run!

Prerequisites: Dogs must complete Handling or be competing at the Masters Level.
* Dogs under 1 year of age are not allowed to jump higher then wrist height or be on contacts in any CSZ class.


1 hour lessons

Wednesday 11:00am with Deb ($145) – 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12

Ready? This Extreme Weaves class is for those teams that wish to work on the toughest of weave entries. We will look at how to grow or strengthen reliable weaves regardless of the handlers motion (or lack there of!).
In addition to weekly training information, we will work sequences leading up to these entrances so dogs will not be working weaves for the full hour. Be ready to move & have fun!​

Prerequisites: 2 Masters/Elite legs & a reliable 25′ minimum sit/stay.

Masters / International handling

1 hour lessons

Monday 5:00pm with Shari ($145) – 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10

Tuesday 11:15am with Shawna ($145) – 1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11

Tuesday 7:30pm with Dawn ($145) – 1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11

Wednesday 12:45pm with Deb ($145) – 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12

Wednesday 5:00pm with Shawna ($145) – 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12

Wednesday 6:15pm with Shawna ($145) – 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12

Thursday 6:45pm with Monique ($145) – 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13

Masters/International Challenge Class This class builds on the skills learned in “Handling” helping students refine their timing, become proficient at course analysis, running more complicated/international/’Masters Challenge’ or ISC type sequences which include backsides, threadles, layering, long sends and other fun international skills.   Put on your speedy shoes & get ready to run!

Prerequisites: Dogs must complete at least 2 Handling classes, or be competing at the Masters Level. Dogs must be proficient on ALL equipment, and a verbal 15’ minimum send to the backside of a jump.& from contacts.
* Dogs under 1 year of age are not allowed to jump higher then wrist height in any CSZ class.

Turning on the Jumps B

1 hour lessons

Monday 2:30pm with Claudette ($145) – 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10


For teams that are interested in acquiring the skills needed for international-style courses. We will focus on teaching the advanced skills that will be the foundation for successfully running higher level international courses: weave and obstacle independence, backside independence, distance work, verbals, flicks, threadles, threadle rears, “in”, close side slice,  ketchker, etc.  Classes will emphasize teaching the skills and applying them in short sequences.

Prerequisites: dogs must be very proficient in all obstacles with 10ft of distance between dog and handler on all equipment.

Turning on the jumps A

1 hour lessons

Monday 1:15pm with Claudette ($145) – 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10

For the teams that have mastered most or all of the advanced skills required for international-style courses, such as weave and obstacle independence, backside independence, distance work, verbals, flicks, threadles, threadle rears, “in”, hinter, ketchker, etc. Class will work on complex international coursework, using different handling skills on some of the same sequences, to find the best solutions for the challenges.

Pre-requisites: dogs must be proficient in all obstacles; handler and dog must have completed minimum of 6 TOJ sessions with attendance of at least 5/6 classes in each session.

Implementing Elements

75 minute lessons

Tuesday 4:45pm with Shari ($145) – 1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11


This class’s focus is designed to learn and maintain the higher level skills. From a proven theory of dog training, working a skill with clear instructions and a high rate of reinforcement, while both team members learn their timing, before applying the skill to a full course sets teams up for success! You will have the opportunity to reinforce the skill to the dog, while the handler pushes to improve their own timing and keeps the dog’s confidence up. You’ll then get to practice in a full course. This class is designed to train the handler as much, if not more, than the dog.


Prerequisites: Dogs should have a minimum 1 jump lead out, can perform contact criteria at minimum 5′ distance & have completed Beginning Handling classes at Canine Sports Zone or have instructor or office approval * Dogs under 1 year of age are not allowed to jump higher then wrist height or be on any contacts in any CSZ classes.

competition Rally for all levels

1 hour lessons

Tuesday 11:30am with Missi ($113) – 1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4 


Rally is a team sport that builds the relationship bond between you and your dog using verbal and non-verbal cues. This class is meant for teams who are actively competing in rally or would like to some day compete. All rally signs, including the basics, will be taught in this class. The exercises will be adjusted based on each team’s experience level. This class is a great opportunity for those already competing to get some extra practice, those who wish to get started in the sport of rally, and everyone in between!

You will need a 4-6 ft leash and a flat buckle collar, martingale or slip lead (no tags), and lots of small, bite sized treats.


Prerequisites: none

Focus for Competition Obedience

1 hour lessons

Wednesday 6:00pm with Missi ($108) – 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5

This class is about developing skills for performance with an emphasis on foundation behaviors, engagement, focus, reinforcing effort, and training bridge behaviors for competition. Almost any dog//handler team can join this class if the dog can work in a ring with multiple dogs at once and has a basic understanding of simple behaviors such as sit, down, and stay.

Handlers must be willing to use reinforcers such as food, toys, praise, and play while working with their dogs. Dogs will remain on leash. This will be a busy class with short demos and everyone working on skills simultaneously.

Prerequisites: Dog must be at least 6 months old. Must have basic knowledge of sit, down, and stay. Dogs must be able to work comfortably around other dogs and handlers. This class is not appropriate for dogs who display reactive behaviors.

Focus For Competition Obedience Intermediate

1 hour lessons

Tuesday 1:00pm with Nancy ($130) – 1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11


This class is all about expanding the skills needed for your competition toolbox! It is for those who are looking to improve their skills with a goal of competing at obedience or rally. Handlers must be willing to use reinforcers such as food, toys, praise, and play while working with their dogs. Skills worked on will include maximizing engagement, finding and maintaining heel position, perch work, heeling with enjoyment, fronts & finishes, and stays with confidence.

Prerequisites: Dog must be at least 6 months old. Must be proficient at basic obedience skills: sit, down, stay, come when called. Heeling should be started but doesn’t need to be ring ready. Must have taken Focus for Competition Obedience at Canine Sports Zone or provide video of proficiency. This will be a busy class with short demos and everyone working on a skill simultaneously. Aggressive or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.


1 hour lessons

Thursday 6:30pm with Michael ($135) – 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13


Flyball is an exciting, fast-paced four dog team relay sport you can play with your best friend and family. Any dog is eligible to play flyball, no pedigree papers required for this game. Dogs of all breeds or multiple breeds are welcome. Flyball is about having fun with your pet and running the best you possibly can with other people who love their pets too. Dog and handler must have completed previous obedience classes (dogs need to be familiar with restrained recalls, sit-stays or received prior approval from instructor.
* ​Please keep in mind this is an exciting sport! The dogs love it and need to be comfortable around other dogs, lots of people,  in a very excited state. This is not a sport for dogs with dog-dog aggression or on leash aggression.


1 hour lessons

Thursday 1:00pm with Tonya ($140) – 1/9, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20

Dogs have an amazing sense of smell and a natural desire to hunt. The sport of K9 Nose Work is designed to develop your dog’s natural scenting abilities by using their desire to hunt and their love of toys, food and exercise. It’s a great way for your dog to have fun, build confidence, and burn lots of mental and physical energy. For additional information visit All dogs work one at a time, and will be crated during their down time. This class is great for shy dogs and helps them become more confident in new environments. This class can be repeated many times as the level of difficulty will be adjusted as the dog gains better skills. They will have an opportunity to build confidence in new environments and working around obstacles without the stress of interactions with other dogs. What you’ll need to bring to class: crate, flat collar, leash and high value treats/toys.


1 hour lessons

Thursday 2:15pm with Tonya ($140) – 1/9, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20

This class is for dogs that have attended the beginning classes at Canine Sports Zone, and have tested into this class.​ 
Attendees will continue to develop handler skills, will introduce the teams to additional search areas and focus on all the elements of K9 Nose Work®, Container searches, Interior searches, Vehicle searches and Exterior Searches.

Tracking: Working Toward Certification

1.5 hour lessons, remote class

Not running this session


This class will work on building skills and abilities to attempt certification for a TD or TDU test. Various skills will be highlighted to make each team successful. Cross tracks and road crossings will be introduced as well as some woods. Discussions will include rules and regulations required in AKC tracking. When possible, varying types of cover including non vegetative surfaces will be used.

Prerequisite: Must have completed Beginning Tracking 2.0 or upon Instructor’s Approval

***This class may be held at different locations each week as we progress through the session. Class is 1.5 hours in length.***

Note: Handlers must be willing to be outdoors and be prepared for varying temperatures, and bugs. Long pants and closed shoes will be required to be worn. Handlers must be able to walk long distances on uneven terrain and in varying levels of “cover” in a safe and timely manner.